Veggie Pizza

This weekend I wanted to make a quick appetizer that we could just munch on throughout the weekend. I wanted something healthy, light, and inexpensive to make. So I spent couple hours just going through pinterest but I couldn’t find something I was completely happy with, until I remembered my 13 year old invention of Veggie Pizza! And started automatically craving it. And then sadly I remembered it has gluten…… so I figured, hey, I haven’t had gluten in forever, I can have a cheat day right? Not like I have to go anywhere? So I went to the store with that mindset, I’m going to cheat. UNTIL!!! I discovered heaven, GLUTEN FREE PILLSBURY DOUGH! This might not be that exciting to most, but to me, IT’S THE BEST THING EVER!

So of course, I have to share this recipe and hope somebody out there shares the same excitement with me!

(Recipe Below)



  • Gluten Free Pillsbury Dough
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Cream Cheese
  • Ranch Seasoning


Spread the dough evenly throughout a pan (make sure to lay parchment paper underneath) and bake in the oven for the required time. In the mean time, cut up all the veggies so they’re tiny little pieces. Then mix together a 4 ounces of cream cheese and about 2 tablespoons of Ranch Seasoning.

Once dough is done, spread the cream cheese/ranch seasoning spread across the finished dough and sprinkle on the veggies and you’re ready to enjoy!!

Hope you love!

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